Very excited to announce that my still-life photo project MUDLARK will be showing @tate #tatemodern today - 12th & 13th March.
Level 5, Blavatnik Building, Tate Modern #TateExchange
My images are included as part of a four-day event, hosted by students from Plymouth College of Art, to crowd-source plans and effect positive change in our communities. Invited speakers and guests will include respected political activists, policy-makers, researchers and historians in varied fields.
Special thanks to Zsa Mason @zsa_art1 at the Plymouth College of Art for organising. Jason & Nick @rockthemudlark will be giving a talk:
Weds 13th March at 2pm
Level 5, Blavatnik Building, Tate Modern #TateExchange
My images are included as part of a four-day event, hosted by students from Plymouth College of Art, to crowd-source plans and effect positive change in our communities. Invited speakers and guests will include respected political activists, policy-makers, researchers and historians in varied fields.
Special thanks to Zsa Mason @zsa_art1 at the Plymouth College of Art for organising. Jason & Nick @rockthemudlark will be giving a talk:
Weds 13th March at 2pm